A smiling couple sitting side by side hold hands in a couples therapy session at Couples Reconnect.

Fast-track your love connection with Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT)

How quickly can you re-ignite the spark in your relationship?

Probably faster than you imagine, if you see Christine at Couples Reconnect. She loves using EFCT because it works, and it works fast.

In this blog post, Christine and Ana answer some common questions about how long couples therapy can last.

Meet the friendly authors

A woman wearing a race car suit smiles as she holds up two gold trophies,

Christine Boyd, MSW, RSW

Ana Hoepfner, BEc

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) is a scientifically proven approach that offers many advantages for couples.

A key one: it works quickly.


Love and Order, Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) Unit

In the criminal justice system (according to what you might gather from TV shows), heinous crimes are solved by a handful of experts in one episode, or within a few days. The many steps in a federal criminal process take a couple of weeks. Emergency room patients are diagnosed instantly and recover from surgeries within minutes. Those are their (TV) stories, and they are fun to watch, but they do not really reflect reality.

Likewise, what real-life therapy looks like is not accurately reflected in streaming shows and movies. You have probably watched shows where a character is in therapy for many years or several seasons. Long-term therapy does happen sometimes in real life. Years of therapy are sometimes necessary and useful for some individuals or couples. But it is not necessarily the case. Sometimes, therapy catalyzes change very quickly.

So. Can we skip to the good part?

In this blog post? You bet.

One of the most effective forms of couples therapy, Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, can bring couples closer and help them stay connected quickly.

How quickly?

Really quickly. Couples can typically expect to see significant, lasting improvement in 8 to 20 EFCT sessions.

Is there any fine print?

Yes, there are caveats. Keep in mind that the duration of EFCT will be different for each specific couple.

It depends on factors such as the severity and complexity of the issues at play (for example, a background of trauma in one of the partners) and how committed the partners are to the relationship and to actively practice at home. It also depends on the therapist and the couple’s communication and relational styles, and the specific needs of each couple. Results are typically reached within 8 to 20 sessions, but how long it will take us to get there can vary – couples and therapists are humans, not machines.

After you complete the EFCT stages and steps, as new challenges emerge and you reach new goals in your lives, you and your partner might wish to come back periodically. This can be helpful to refresh and tune up your relationship.

Be gentle and patient with yourselves. Real-life stories are much more complex than TV episodes. Our relational stories unfold over a lifetime, not a handful of episodes.

Does this mean that we don’t necessarily have to go to couples therapy for years to get great results?

You got it. (Quick and flirty, if you will pardon the pun.)

You mean there is an effective, long-lasting couples therapy modality that can bring back the spark of real-life love in a few months? For real?

Yes. EFCT is proven to work, it typically works quickly, and its results last.

You can learn more about Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) and the advantages this modality of couples therapy offers in our previous blog post.

We‘re in! How do we sign up?

Give us a shout at 403 815 0271 to start your EFCT couples therapy journey with Christine Boyd.

Call 403 815 0271

One more question. Why is Christine wearing a race car suit?

Because in addition to Christine’s extensive couples, individual, child, and family counselling expertise and experience, Christine is a Go-Kart racing champion.

Christine is fast —not furious!— she’s fun, and she is a fantastic couples therapist.